Archive for September, 2011

Now, that is commitment!

September 27, 2011

A story from LifeWay Christian Resources came across my desk last week.

The story told of a woman named June Harrison. Seventy-five years ago, June’s mother took her to a family gathering instead of going to church. That one Sunday has turned out to be the only Sunday she has missed since then.

Harrison told the LifeWay writer that her mother told her that she “cried all day because I had to miss Sunday School.” She also told her daughter that she would never take her out of Sunday School again.

Harrison, now 80 years old, is a member of Community Southern Baptist Church in Clay City, Ill. She marked her 75th year of perfect Sunday School attendance this past summer. Her church held a celebration in her honor, but she viewed it as “just another Sunday.”

And, for those who are wondering, Harrison never stayed home. They had family vacations and other events, but they would always find a church nearby and go to Sunday School. She even went to church the day after her mother died because her mom made her promise she would go.

What commitment. Christians today miss church for a variety of reasons. Some miss just because they want a “day off.”

I am sure there are others with a rich history of perfect Sunday School and church attendance over a number of years, but I fear those people are becoming scarce.

June Harrison’s life should be an inspiration and challenge to us all.

One of God’s finest goes home

September 12, 2011

Over the years I have been blessed beyond measure with the opportunity to get to know so many of God’s choice Christian servants.

One of those faithful servants was George Williams, who served as pastor of several churches in the Knoxville area for more than 60 years.

Bro. George, as he became known to me, died on Sept. 7 at the age of 99. What is so amazing about him is that he continued to serve as pastor of a church until just a year or so ago.

I am blessed to have gotten to know and become friends with Bro. George. He loved being a Southern Baptist pastor. You could always count on seeing him at annual meetings of both the SBC and the Tennessee Baptist Convention. He always had a smile on his face and a good word. He loved the paper and was always supportive.

Bro. George was a beloved figure in East Tennessee. The Clinton City Council named a day this year in his honor: “George W. Williams Day.” He was also inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2011 by the Boys & Girls Club of North Anderson County.

It’s sad to know that he will no longer be around. Our loss is heaven’s gain!